Development tools

Our powerful tools will save your Developers time and offer new capabilities

Much of the standard development functionality in JDE is somewhat restrictive and inflexible. By introducing new development capabilities and by streamlining many common tasks, our tools make any JDE development efforts dramatically more productive. This means that most projects can now be completed in only a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the cost. Good work can never be done without the proper tools. Take advantage!

The feedback we are receiving from the users of our tools is that they usually pay off in a single use. Such high ROI makes them extremely attractive. Of course the bigger the development project, the higher is the ROI that can be expected: if you are about to undertake a massive development project, which is estimated to employ some 20 developers for a year, consider the savings that can be realised by allowing only 10 developers do the same work in a better way and with less risks in only a half a year.

But even if you do not have an immediate long and expensive development project on the horison, by leveraging the new functionality in any day to day work and enhancing the general productivity of every developer, all these tools will still pay off within a year, if not sooner.

The typical saving areas covered by our products include:

  1. Achieve the same results with fewer developers, because of the higher productivity delivered by our tools.
  2. Achieve the same results sooner, by boosting the development efficiency with the power of our tools.
  3. Extended functionality: there will be no need to manually work around any roadblocks in the standard software, many easy shortcuts offered by our solutions will deliver the desired results immediately.
  4. Reduced risks: there will be no need for any extra expenses down the road, to fix some unforeseen problems caused by trivial manual mistakes.

Tools in this category

  • Copy JDE Objects and code, even across different systems, different JDE releases and with Standalone support. Software distribution. Backup & Restore JDE Objects. Simple Versioning. Indispensable for remote development. - Boomerang
  • World-fastest integration middleware for JDE with a RESTful front-end. With a per-call overhead of under 2ms, it is up to 100 times faster than any other platform in existence! - EveREST2JDE
  • Printing Media Object Attachments (Text and Files/Images) in JDE after/from UBE reports is an important capability for many sites. Standard JDE does not have anything for it, sadly. This solution adds this capability to JDE. A huge time saver for your Users if lists of Attachments need to be printed for Reports. A very simple development solution for a huge issue in JDE. - EverMOPrint
  • Easy OLE attachment conversion. - OLE Converter
  • Yes, it is FREE! Yet, it will save you quite a bit of effort troubleshooting any development issues on the client: it can toggle debug logging on/off on the fly and has a few additional helpful features, including a Julian date calculator. - OWDLC
  • Save 99% of time necessary to change the Print Queue name overrides in Versions. Bulk-updates any number of Versions with a single click, plus can also toggle some Version flags at the same time. - Update Queue Names In Versions
  • Free yourself from JDE toolset restrictions on setting max Grid row count in APPL's. - Grid Length Editor
  • The ultimate power, the dream of every developer: the unrestricted access to any JDE specs. With this tool, there are no development restrictions anymore: bulk-updating Processing Options and Data Selections, renaming Objects, changing grid Views, re-pointing Views to different Tables - anything is within your reach now! The alternative to using this tool is to re-develop all affected Objects from scratch. - XML inSPECtor
  • Develop and test XML easily. JDE supports extended XML syntax that allows creating whole "programs" in XML that can call multiple functions, have variable support, exception and transaction handling and more. - XML Playground