Documentation tools
Our powerful tools will save you a lot of time and offer new reporting capabilities

It is generally good business to create and keep any kind of site and system documentation. Such documentation can save weeks of frustration when something that used to work no longer does. Some documentation can even be legally required in many legislations, i.e.: US SOX rules may require some of these reports to be created and kept for future reference. Good work can never be done without the proper tools. Take advantage!
JDE tends to hide many settings and then saving them all in a readable format becomes very difficult or impractical. Some examples are: Processing Options, Data Selections, Queue overrides at the Version level, Order Activity Rules, any ER code, etc.
These powerful tools will solve such reporting issues and produce easily readable reports in a variety of formats in minutes. Intelligently self-configuring and with extremely user-friendly interfaces, these tools require no consulting to install, no configuration changes and no user training, immediately delivering results out of the box.
The typical saving areas covered by our products include:
- Achieve the same results with fewer staff, because of the higher productivity delivered by our tools.
- Achieve the same results sooner, by boosting the staff efficiency with the power of our tools.
- Extended functionality: there will be no need to manually work around any roadblocks in the standard software, many easy shortcuts offered by our solutions will deliver the desired results immediately.
- Reduced risks: there will either be no need for any extra expenses down the road, to fix some unforeseen problems caused by trivial manual mistakes, or that our solutions will help you fix any such issues much quicker.
Tools in this category
- Printing Media Object Attachments (Text and Files/Images) in JDE after/from UBE reports is an important capability for many sites. Standard JDE does not have anything for it, sadly. This solution adds this capability to JDE. A huge time saver for your Users if lists of Attachments need to be printed for Reports. As it's just a Business Function doing all the pronting, it can be called from anywhere, including Interactive Programs, or other BSFN/NER's. - EverMOPrint
- Report Version Data Selections in a very readable, color-coded XLS format. Indispensable when known Versions begin to produce unexpected results, or during Upgrades, when new Versions need to be created in the new JDE installation with the same selections as in the old system. - Data Selection Commander
- Easy OLE attachment conversion. - OLE Converter
- Easy RTF2HTML attachment conversion. - RTF2HTML
- New versions of JDE come with a new Attachment Viewer that is great for HTML/Text, but not so good for all other file types, making it somewhat cumbersome to use. This solution greatly improves the user experience. - MO Viewer++
- Report Version Processing Options in a very readable, color-coded XLS, PDF, CSV or HTML format. Indispensable when known Versions begin to produce unexpected results, or during Upgrades, when new Versions need to be created in the new JDE installation with the same options as in the old system. - Processing Option Commander
- Report Version Print Queue Name Overrides, or change them with a click of a button! Indispensable during Upgrades, when the Queue Names change from the old system to the new one. It can also bind selected groups of Versions to specific Queues in seconds, which is often necessary for jobs that cannot be executed in parallel. - Update Queue Names In Versions