JDE Upgrade tools

Our powerful tools will save your staff time and provide them with new capabilities

JDE Upgrades can be scary and disruptive and they will also typically take a long time. Our many tools will remove some restrictions and speed up some upgrade steps, making JDE Upgrades much easier, safer and very importantly shorter as well. Good work can never be done without the proper tools. Take advantage!

The feedback we are receiving from the users of our tools is that they usually pay off in a very short time. Consider the savings that can be realised by reducing a typical JDE Upgrade timeframe by even 10%! And this estimated saved time is usually even higher. Now you can do the same work in a better way and with less risks in only a fraction of the time.

The typical saving areas covered by our products include:

  1. Achieve the same results with fewer developers, because of the higher productivity delivered by our tools.
  2. Achieve the same results sooner, by boosting the staff efficiency with the power of our tools.
  3. Extended functionality: there will be no need to manually work around any roadblocks in the standard software, many easy shortcuts offered by our solutions will deliver the desired results immediately.
  4. Reduced risks: there will be no need for any extra expenses down the road, to fix some unforeseen problems caused by trivial manual mistakes.

Tools in this category

  • This is now a de-facto standard upgrade tool, used by hundreds of JDE customers as a primary means of upgrading all customizations and modifications. Boomerang replaces the Spec Merge step of the Upgrade with an easier and faster approach. It also eliminates the need to stop all development in the old JDE system. And it makes selective object upgrades much simpler as well. On top of this, Boomerang fixes many typical problems in the copied specs on the fly - without this, many Upgraded Objects would need to be re-worked. - Boomerang
  • A comprehensive suite of our top-selling tools, used side by side in most JDE Upgrades. This suite will cover many typical upgrade tasks and the synergy of the advanced features of these products will deliver bigger savings than any single tool. This bundle also includes a discount! - Boomerang Upgrade Suite
  • Report Version Data Selections in a very readable, color-coded XLS format. Indispensable when known Versions begin to produce unexpected results, or during Upgrades, when new Versions need to be created in the new JDE installation with the same selections as in the old system. - Data Selection Commander
  • Easy OLE attachment conversion. - OLE Converter
  • Easy RTF2HTML attachment conversion. - RTF2HTML
  • Report Version Processing Options in a very readable, color-coded XLS, PDF, CSV or HTML format. Indispensable when known Versions begin to produce unexpected results, or during Upgrades, when new Versions need to be created in the new JDE installation with the same options as in the old system. - Processing Option Commander
  • Save 99% of time necessary to change the Print Queue name overrides in Versions. Bulk-updates any number of Versions with a single click, plus can also toggle some Version flags at the same time. The Queue Names often include a reference to the JDE release level and so will most certainly need to change during any Upgrades. And with this tool you will be able to instantly identify any Versions hard-coded to some old Queues like QB7333 and you will also be able to instantly change them all at once to the new naming convention. - Update Queue Names In Versions
  • The ultimate power, the dream of every developer: the unrestricted access to any JDE specs. With this tool, there are no development restrictions anymore: bulk-updating Processing Options and Data Selections, renaming Objects, changing grid Views, re-pointing Views to different Tables - anything is within your reach now! The alternative to using this tool is to re-develop all affected Objects from scratch. - XML inSPECtor