Automate Printing & save your users time, plus add report e-mailing capabilities!
This solution is a "canned" JDE "mod" that implements flexible and selective distribution of standard JDE reports (PDF & CSV) to printers or users via e-mail (with optional compression). Once a Version is configured for either or both printing & e-mail distribution, it will always happen automatically without any additional user intervention, whether submitted manually, through API's, or via Scheduler, in real time, every time they run on the Server. A huge time saver for the users!
Current version: 2012 (Unicode only; Version 6.2 for all pre-Unicode releases of JDE)
- Product Brief
- More Details
- System Requirements
- Licensing
- Automatically Print a UBE output, or
- Automatically E-Mail it to the submitting user - the output can be optionally compressed, or
- Both of the above. This includes any Scheduled Jobs.
- Independently of the above, configure E-mail Distribution Lists - per UBE|VER, to automatically send the PDF files to any number of pre-configured e-mails, i.e.: to distribute integrities and trial runs to a number of recipients.
What would happen when a UBE is run on a Server is controlled by the
configured Default Printers through the use of 3 new Default Printer Status
codes delivered with this Package:
- Status "PI": the job will print (it will print to the printer defined
with the "PI" status, not with the usual "AV" status, even if one exists);
- Status "EM": the job will e-mail the output to the sender;
- Status "PE": the job will both print and e-mail.
The new Default Printers (with status codes of PI, EM or PE, as necessary) can
be defined for either of the following combinations of Users, Groups,
Environments, UBE's, Versions, Hosts - note, that these combinations are
hard-coded and no other combination will trigger the code:
- Specific User / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / Specific
Version / Specific Host
- User's Group / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / Specific
Version / Specific Host
- *PUBLIC / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / Specific Version /
Specific Host
- Specific User / *ALL / Specific Batch Program / Specific Version / Specific
- User's Group / *ALL / Specific Batch Program / Specific Version / Specific
- *PUBLIC / *ALL / Specific Batch Program / Specific Version / Specific Host
- Specific User / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / *ALL /
Specific Host
- User's Group / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / *ALL / Specific
- *PUBLIC / Specific Environment / Specific Batch Program / *ALL / Specific Host
The combinations above are checked in this exact order and only the first found one
will be effective.
For the e-mailing function to work, the Host must be configured for e-mail support
(same as you would normally configure it for workflow, to send messages to the external
e-mail). Please, lookup the procedures on KG.
EM setting also allows compressing the output (PDF or CSV), using your platform-specific software, before e-mailing it. This saves both network bandwidth and mailbox space.
The user submitting the job also must have an e-mail address defined in the
system (in AB, not Workflow, although you can easily change it) - the code will be using the address from the line 0, sequence 1 and, of
course, if it cannot find the address, it will not be able to send the e-mail.
The actions add up, so 2 settings - one for email (EM) and another one for printing (PI) will produce the same result as a single PE setting, e.g.: EM may be configured for a Group, while PI - for the User, in which case the members of the Group will be receiving the PDF in e-mails, while the User will both receive the e-mail and print.
Actions do not duplicate, so if there are 2 applicable settings - EM and PE, as an example, which both call for an e-mail to be sent, it will only be sent once per job run.
Both Synchronously and Asynchronously executed jobs are supported.
Every OneWorld/EnterpriseOne® site needs this functionality. The ability to automatically E-Mail or Print certain Reports is very important and is often critical.
Such automation saves your users' valuable time and eliminates any human errors in printing/sending reports. Automatic unattended printing means you will get your printed reports exactly when you need them.
Any report / version configured for automatic printing will print every time it runs, no matter whether it was submitted manually or from the Scheduler or anything else.
Once you Install and Deploy this Boomerang Package, you will need to
create new Default Printer mappings for the Batch Versions you want to
Print or E-Mail Immediately - with the correct statuses, as outlined above.
When a specified Batch Program (or, optionally, a specified Version)
is executed by a specified User in a specified Environment on a
specified Host, it will automatically print to the printer assigned in
the Default Printer mapping with the new status of PI or PE, which you
have created previously - this mapping may be different from the Default
Printer assigned to the User in this Environment for this
Program | Version and Host. The job will also be sent to the
submitting user via e-mail if there is a Default
Printer (the same or a different one) defined with the status of EM or PE - the physical printer
will be ignored for e-mailing, of course, so it can be any printer. The actual physical printer
will only matter for printing.
Due to bugs in OW implementation of the SendMail API, the e-mailing function did not work on AS/400 Servers (at least until the latest Service Packs - we have not done any tests to prove this, but it looks like all these bugs may have been fixed there). This does not affect the printing functionality in any way.
There is no expensive consulting necessary on top of this. You can easily do it yourself. Just follow the instructions included in the Package. No user training or extensive testing are required either. Estimated time it takes to install this Package is 1 minute, plus additional 5 minutes to build and deploy an Update Package with the Objects delivered in this Package for your Logic Servers.
JDE Tools Releases (pre-Unicode): SP16 onwards
JDE Tools Releases (Unicode): TR891 onwards
JDE Backend Hardware Platforms: hardware-independent - all platforms supported by JDE are supported
JDE Backend Database Platforms: DB-independent - all platforms supported by JDE are supported
The optional Yearly Update/Upgrade Subscription is available at the time of purchase (not available separately) for an additional yearly fee. It is payable in advance per license, per year. It includes premium support and all software updates released during the paid period. Its cost is calculated as 20% of the product's list price at the time of invoicing, as may change from time to time. Unless the software is purchased for a single use application, we generally recommend to opt in for this Subscription: any future JDE Tools Releases and Releases/Updates may require an updated version of this solution and it's generally more cost-efficient compared to one-off Upgrades.
For Printing:
Print JDE jobs to any printer, including Zebra, not limited to PS - EverPrint
For MO Attachments:
Make MO Attachments more accessible to users - MO Viewer++
Automation Tools:
A variety of powerful automation tools - All Automation Tools
For Version Management:
Easily set Print Queue overrides in Versions - Update Queue Names In Versions